Download ebook rekayasa perangkat lunak rosa 2013
Download ebook rekayasa perangkat lunak rosa 2013

INTRODUCTION Based on the Law of Republic Indonesia concerning about hospital, the definition of hospital is an institution which held individual health service completely that provides inpatient services, outpatient, and emergency unit. The result testing show that APM is able to sufficient the functional requirement, tools and connection compatibility, and also can reduce waiting time of patient enrollment than usual Keywords: APM, outpatient, object oriented, ACR122, mifareĪ. Testing consists of functionality use case testing using blackbox adapted to use case scenario and form testing, tools compatibility testing and connection of software, and waiting time APM registration. On the next development APM was tested with parameters correspondence between functional requirements with use case and the waiting time of patient enrollment. APM development main to reduce waiting time with implementing mifare smartcard Mifare and ACR122 Contatless NFC Reader collaborated with C#, Java, and Oracle 10g XE using object oriented method. APM is software which can conduct patients to register themselves without regular registration. One of the examples is development process of Anjungan Pendaftaran Mandiri (APM) on this final project. Therefore, the use of smartcard reader especially ACR122 in healthy will be so interested. Mifare smartcard is one of Philips’ smartcard products which can save memory until 1K using its kryptography and can be read using Contactless NFC Reader ACR122 with distance about 5cm. This is because of unbalance between the number of admission staff and patients enrolled. Some long registration queues even occurred.

download ebook rekayasa perangkat lunak rosa 2013

Outpatient service starts on registration until policlinic services. Outpatient service is one of the hospital services with high frequency activities.

download ebook rekayasa perangkat lunak rosa 2013 download ebook rekayasa perangkat lunak rosa 2013

Health Information Technology, Bandung Institute Technology Jl Ganesha 10 Bandung 40132 Jawa Barat, Indonesia 2 Software Engineering, Bandung Institute Technology Jl Ganesha 10 Bandung 40132 Jawa Barat, Indonesia Ībstract. Software Construction of Outpatient Registration Service Anjungan Pendaftaran Mandiri (APM) using Smartcard Mifare and ACR122 NFC Contactless Reader Maulida Mazaya1 and Bayu Hendradjaya2 1

Download ebook rekayasa perangkat lunak rosa 2013